How did grapes come to earth? The history of its origin is linked to the destruction of dinosaurs

How did grapes come to earth? The history of its origin is linked to the destruction of dinosaurs

While eating grapes, have you ever wondered how this fruit grew on earth? Obviously, you would not have thought about it. If you ask this question to anyone at this time, then perhaps even he will not have an answer to this. However, science has an answer to this. Let us tell you how grapes came to earth and how the history of its origin is connected to dinosaurs. When did grapes come to earth If you feel that grapes have always existed on earth, then you are wrong. According…

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Colossal eyes are as big as a human child the world calls it the monster of darkness

Colossal eyes are as big as a human child the world calls it the monster of darkness

There are such creatures in the world that on seeing them you will feel that perhaps these are the demons that are talked about in stories. There is a similar creature that lives in the sea. This creature is so huge that it can put a small boat in danger. You can guess its size from the fact that the eyes of this creature were said to be the biggest eyes in the world. Which creature is this The creature we are talking about is called Colossal Squid. It is…

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Is this mummy really that of an alien? The claims made in new research have blown the world’s mind

Is this mummy really that of an alien? The claims made in new research have blown the world’s mind

In 2017, in a remote area of ​​South America, some farmers found mummies of creatures that were like aliens, as per the imagination of humans. There was a discussion all over the world that alien mummies have been found in South America. However, in January this year, when the forensic experts of the Peruvian prosecutor’s office examined them, they said that these mummies found in the Nazca area were made of paper, glue, metal and human and animal bones. But now a new research done on these mummies has said…

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The entire market is filled with fake litchi and watermelon, you can identify it by just a thing worth Rs 2

The entire market is filled with fake litchi and watermelon, you can identify it by just a thing worth Rs 2

Due to the scorching heat, litchis and watermelons are being sold in abundance in the market these days. But do you check whether these fruits are edible or not before bringing them home? Actually, these days the market is full of such litchis and watermelons, which can harm your health if eaten. If you eat these fake fruits for a long time, you can become a victim of serious diseases. Let us tell you how you can find out with a thing worth just 2 rupees whether these fruits are…

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Why is the colour of ice from refrigerator white and the colour of ice from glacier blue?

Why is the colour of ice from refrigerator white and the colour of ice from glacier blue?

Whenever we hear the word ice, the first image that comes to our mind is of the white ice frozen in the freezer. Because of this, we think that the color of ice is white. But, when we talk about glaciers, the color of this ice becomes blue. Let us now know why the color of glacier ice is blue and why the color of ice in the refrigerator is white. Why is the color of ice white? When we keep water in the refrigerator, it turns into white ice…

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science of intuition how do you sometimes know something before it happens

science of intuition how do you sometimes know something before it happens

India-Pakistan match is going on. Everyone sitting in the room is watching cricket. A 19-year-old boy is also sitting on the sofa in the same room. The Indian batsman has a bat in his hand and he looks towards the Pakistani bowler, the bowler runs at a fast speed to bowl the ball, the bowler has not bowled the ball yet. But the mind of the 19-year-old boy sitting on the sofa says out. After a few seconds the ball drops from the bowler’s hand and the batsman is bowled.…

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Sweating helps in weight loss Will sweating really make you slim Know what science says weight loss tips

Sweating helps in weight loss Will sweating really make you slim Know what science says weight loss tips

We sweat a lot while exercising. Especially when you are exercising in summer, the whole body gets drenched in sweat. In such a situation, people think that the more they sweat, the faster they will lose weight. Many gym trainers also emphasize that sweat a lot and this will reduce weight. But have you ever tried to know how much truth is there in this. what happens when you sweat During exercise, cycling, skipping and running, one sweats a lot. In such a situation, people think that the faster they…

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New problem arises? Something like this is happening in the core of the earth, the length of days will change! – Research

New problem arises? Something like this is happening in the core of the earth, the length of days will change! – Research

The speed of rotation of the last and most important layer of the three layers that make up the Earth is decreasing rapidly. Scientists have recently sensed this movement in the inner core of the Earth and presented a detailed report whose results are very surprising. This movement was happening inside the Earth for about 14 years which has been detected now. This is the first time in 40 years that it is moving at a slower speed than the Earth’s surface. Do you know what will happen in the…

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Why do birds always peck at glass windows? What is the science behind this?

Why do birds always peck at glass windows? What is the science behind this?

As soon as the summer season arrives, you must have often seen that some birds repeatedly peck at your glass window. Have you ever wondered why birds do this? Let us tell you what is the reason behind birds doing this. Why do birds do this? This often happens at the end of summer. When it is time for birds to breed. At this time, some species of birds are very cautious about their partners and children. If they see any threat to their family from anywhere, they are ready…

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The world is in danger! So many billion tons of CO2 will have to be reduced from the atmosphere every year, otherwise…

The world is in danger! So many billion tons of CO2 will have to be reduced from the atmosphere every year, otherwise…

The whole world is troubled by the havoc of heat. It is having a bad effect on human health as well as the environment. In such a situation, the whole world is trying to reduce CO2 from the atmosphere in any way. But this is not so easy. Recently, the State of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) report has come. According to this report, if the world has to follow the limits of the Paris Agreement, then it will have to reduce about 9 billion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere…

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