China sink underground very soon know what scientists say

China sink underground very soon know what scientists say

China, which is dreaming of becoming a super power country, its cities are rapidly sinking. In some cities there, land subsidence is happening at the rate of about 10 kilometers every year. This problem is increasing rapidly in China. This is the reason why the people there are now living in fear that their house or their land might also sink. shanghai and tianjin China’s two cities, Shanghai and Tianjin, have been facing this problem for many years. According to a BBC report, the problem of subsidence has been seen…

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water wets everyone never gets wet itself know why

water wets everyone never gets wet itself know why

Water is one of the most essential things in this world. Life on earth is possible because of this. Apart from drinking, you also use water for many other things in daily life. But do you know one special thing about water? Actually, it makes others wet, but never gets wet itself. Let us know in this article today why this is so. science of water Water is made up of oxygen and hydrogen and these two elements also wet others. Actually, oxygen contains moisture and we feel this moisture…

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If the sun starts rising from the west, what effect will it have on humans?

If the sun starts rising from the west, what effect will it have on humans?

The biggest center of life on Earth is the Sun. Its rising and setting has a great impact on the lives of humans. But what if the sun itself changes its course? Actually, we are talking about the time when the sun leaves the east and starts rising from the west. Let us give you the answer to this question today that if the sun starts rising from the west instead of the east, what effect will it have on human life. What will happen if the sun rises from…

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Why do dogs start running behind cars and bikes, know what science says

Why do dogs start running behind cars and bikes, know what science says

Many times dogs start running fast behind a car or bike moving on the road. Whereas they do not do anything to the people passing on the road. Dogs sometimes keep chasing a car or bike for a few kilometers. Due to which the bike or car riders passing through the road get disturbed. In such a situation, these questions would often arise in your mind that why does this happen and why do dogs behave like this. Why do stray dogs chase cars or bikes on the road?When you…

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ISRO Chief Somnath was battling this cancer, know when to get it treated, so that the disease can be cured.

ISRO Chief Somnath was battling this cancer, know when to get it treated, so that the disease can be cured.

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Chief S Somnath was diagnosed with stomach cancer during the launch of Aditya-L1. According to the report, there were some health problems during the Chandrayaan-3 mission launch. When Somnath was diagnosed with cancer, his family suffered a major shock. As soon as stomach cancer was detected, frequent scans were done. As soon as Somnath was diagnosed with the disease, he got the operation done. Chemotherapy was done after the operation. If cancer is detected in time, its treatment is possible.  Stomach cancer occurs when cancer…

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Does your body really change color according to emotions, know what has come out in the new research.

Does your body really change color according to emotions, know what has come out in the new research.

You must have often heard people saying that the person’s face turned red when he was angry. She turned pink with embarrassment. His face turned blue due to fear. But why do we say this? Does it really change the color of our body or face according to our emotions? Let us tell you about this in detail today. Along with this, it also tells you whether only the color of the body changes according to emotions or whether the difference in body temperature is also felt. What does the…

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Earth will be destroyed by the merger of galaxies! Know why scientists are expressing such a possibility

Earth will be destroyed by the merger of galaxies!  Know why scientists are expressing such a possibility

How was the Earth formed, how did life flourish on it… concrete and concrete answers to these questions are still being sought. However, there is no quick reading on how the Earth could end. But now its possibility is being expressed due to the merger of galaxies with each other. This is quite a scary thing. But scientists doing research on the radio signals that have reached the Earth in eight billion years are saying something like this. Let us know the whole story of this research and understand why…

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The first private spacecraft landed on the moon, made safe landing on the South Pole, created history, but…

The first private spacecraft landed on the moon, made safe landing on the South Pole, created history, but…

By now you must have seen NASA and ISRO landing on the moon. But for the first time in the world, a private company has created history by landing a spacecraft on the South Pole of the Moon. Lander Odysseus of America’s Houston-based private company Intuitive Machines has landed on the South Pole of the Moon. The company launched it on 15 February 2024. With this, America has become the second country to land on the South Pole of the Moon. Earlier, India’s Chandrayaan-3 had made a record by landing…

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Comet without tail is coming towards the earth, scientist said – definitely take pictures, also told the reason and method

Comet without tail is coming towards the earth, scientist said – definitely take pictures, also told the reason and method

Many times such things come to earth from space, which become a threat to us. But these days scientists are very excited about a comet. Because it is very rare. Generally, when any comet comes towards the earth, its tail is very long, but this comet is without tail, which is going to pass very close to the earth. The scientist said, you can also take its picture. He has also explained the reason for this and also told how to take its pictures. According to the report of Daily…

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This country will launch a satellite made of wood, this kind of experiment is being done for the first time in the world, the purpose is very special.

This country will launch a satellite made of wood, this kind of experiment is being done for the first time in the world, the purpose is very special.

Japan has been surprising the world through unique experiments. Once Japanese scientists have accomplished such a feat that the whole world is surprised to see. Japanese scientist has created the world’s first satellite made of wood, which is ready to be launched soon. It has been named Lignoset. Lignoset is made from magnolia wood, which was found to be stable and crack-resistant in experiments conducted on the International Space Station. Now the plan to launch it from an American rocket this summer is being finalized. According to the Guardian report,…

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