Ever heard of flying fish, know all the facts here

Flying Fish: Have you often seen a pond, River, You may have seen a fish in the sea, However, you would have never imagined that you would ever see a fish flying in the sky., Everybody knows that a fish cannot live without water, But today we are going to tell you about a fish that flies in the sky., Let us know which species this fish belongs to and where it is found, Where Pie Caste Are flying wala Fishes, According to the information, Lying fish on the ground…

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Why is the area where Titanic sank said to be extremely dangerous?

When the Titanic ship was completed, many claims were made that it could never sink. When this ship set sail for the first time, around 2200 people boarded it believing these claims. However, on April 14, 1912, the Titanic sank after colliding with an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean. 1517 people died in this accident. After this accident, Titanic was searched for a long time.  After which its debris was searched about four kilometers inside the sea in 1985. Now people spend huge amounts of money to see the wreck…

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What is the depth of the Pacific Ocean the answer will surprise you

There are seven oceans in the world. Trade takes place all over the world through these seas. Meanwhile, do you know that the deepest ocean in the world is called the Pacific Ocean, but very few people know what is the depth of the Pacific Ocean. If not then let us know. What is the area of ​​the Pacific Ocean?If we talk about the largest ocean, then the name of Pacific Ocean comes on everyone’s tongue, which is known for its huge form. This ocean extends from the North Pole…

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Thousands of years old fossil found on the seashore what is the name of this fossil

There are many such secrets hidden in the world, about which we do not know. Some are present before our eyes, yet we do not know anything about them. Today we are going to tell you about one such secret. Whose history is thousands of years old. Know what this is. thousands of years old history Fossils thousands of years old have been found on the sea shore. In fact, in a video viral on social media, it is seen that a person found a round object stuck in the…

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canada sea dividing into 2 parts 2000 Earthquake in a Day Canada Magma Vancouver Island

2000 Earthquake in a Day: The beginning of the month was very frightening for Canada. Nearly 2 thousand earthquakes were felt in the coastal area here in a single day. On this natural disaster, scientists say that due to the dissolution of magma in the sea, the sea can get divided into two parts. Not only this, scientists believe that there is a strong possibility of formation of a new layer of the ocean due to this natural disintegration. This moment is very interesting for marine scientists. The upcoming activity…

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Thousands of eyes are present on the body of this creature, where is this creature found?

There are millions of species of creatures present in the world. These creatures also have different specialties for which they are known. But today we are going to tell you about a creature which has thousands of eyes on its body. Scientists have done research on this creature, so that it can be known whether this creature really works to see with these thousands of eyes.  They are all over the body. Only eyes Let us tell you that scientists have found a whole group of strange sea creatures. These creatures…

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How many liters of water is drinkable inside the earth, scientists told the truth

Since childhood, we have read and heard that about 70 percent of the earth is covered with water. But most of these are salty, which is not fit for drinking. We all drink water by extracting it from underground. But do you know how much water is drinkable under the earth and how much water is still left. Actually, scientists have explained in detail about the water remaining under the earth in their research. Know what the scientists told. Scientists’ report According to the report of Live Science, scientists of…

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Philippines says Chinese coast guard intercepts ships south China sea

Philippines China Dispute: The dispute between Philippines and China is continuously increasing. News is coming that Chinese Coast Guard forces have stopped a Philippines ship in the South China Sea. After the ship was stopped, there was a scuffle between the armies of both the countries. There has always been a serious issue between the two countries regarding their jurisdiction in the South China Sea. This is the reason why there is always tension between the two countries regarding this region. A statement has come out from the Philippines on…

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A place where people are learning to live in water, the reason will surprise you

While we cannot even think of spending our lives in a river or pond, there is a place in Indonesia where the population is trying to adapt to it. In fact, Indonesia’s capital Jakarta is rapidly sinking into the sea. More than 16 feet of water has flooded here in the last 25 years.  Why are people making water their life?The people of Jakarta are currently in trouble. The reason for which is the gradual sinking of the land of this city into the ground. Jakarta has sunk into the…

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ramesh sippy films sholay amitab bachchan dharmendra bollywood trivia

Many times you neither know nor know that you are secretly going to create history. That too when everything is against you. One such story is of the director who gave one of the greatest films in Bollywood. Director Ramesh Sippy. The director who gave a gem to Bollywood. The name of this gem is ‘Sholay’. What this film did is history. The film is also current because even today Sholay is like an institution for all those interested in films, those who direct films and those who act in…

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