The secret of the health of our forefathers has been revealed, they used to keep ghee in this secret vessel and used to make their body by rubbing it in bread.

The secret of the health of our forefathers has been revealed, they used to keep ghee in this secret vessel and used to make their body by rubbing it in bread.

In earlier times, people did not go to doctors much. People used to get sick less. In today’s time, even young people are becoming victims of diseases like heart attack. Every person visits the doctor once a month. Some people say that the main reason for this is pollution. In a way this is also true. Along with this, people’s eating habits are also a major reason for this. Nowadays people are more interested in eating outside food. People give more space to junk food in their diet. Before this…

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109 years old grandfather revealed the secret of long life, said- remember these 12 things, you will always be fit and healthy

109 years old grandfather revealed the secret of long life, said- remember these 12 things, you will always be fit and healthy

Every person wants a long and healthy life, but knowingly or unknowingly we are living such a lifestyle which is reducing our age day by day. But if you also want to live a long life, then you can learn something from Maury Markoff. Maury Markoff celebrated her 109th birthday earlier this year and that too with a ballet dancer. Having seen two pandemics, World War, Markoff has a long experience. Recently, he has shared 12 important secrets of this long and happy life. Since then Dadaji has gone viral.…

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Used to play football at the age of 80, today celebrated 109th birthday, said – be stubborn and eat three things

Used to play football at the age of 80, today celebrated 109th birthday, said – be stubborn and eat three things

Nobody wants to be old. But age has to pass slowly. Wrinkles will appear on the face. Diseases will make home. But in the meanwhile some people do such things which become an inspiration for others. A grandmother from Britain is like this. Recently she celebrated her 109th birthday and you will be surprised to know that she is only four years younger than the oldest living person in Britain. Even at this age, he is absolutely fit and fine. When he was asked what is the secret of long…

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