Sendha Namak Side Effects These People Do Not Eat Rock Salt It Can Be Harmful In Many Conditions

Sendha Namak Side Effects These People Do Not Eat Rock Salt It Can Be Harmful In Many Conditions

Sendha Namak Side Effects: There is no taste in life without salt. Now-a-days due to increasing health awareness, people have started using low sodium rock salt (Sendha Namak). It is also called Himalayan salt or pink salt or rock salt. If seen, rock salt is such a mineral which contains sodium in very less quantity and it does not have to go through any chemical process in making it, hence it is called pure salt. But just as everything has side effects, in the same way, continuous consumption of rock…

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Which salt is healthy for kidney patient, excess white salt can kill

Which salt is healthy for kidney patient, excess white salt can kill

If food is to be made tasty, the contribution of spices is as important as that of salt. Food is incomplete without salt. Salt gives taste to food and iodine to the body. Iodine helps in regulating the function of the thyroid gland in the body. Sodium is found in salt, which if consumed excessively can lead to high blood pressure, kidney problems and heart related diseases. Excessive consumption of white salt can prove fatal for patients suffering from kidney diseases. Know today which salt is healthy for kidney patients. …

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