The future of boys is in danger! Research on Y chromosome made a shocking revelation

The future of boys is in danger! Research on Y chromosome made a shocking revelation

According to a recent research, the extinction of Y chromosome has come to the fore. As you know, Y chromosome plays an important role in determining the gender of a male. This research is quite scary. Because if this research is to be believed, then in future more girls will be born. Because Y chromosome has reached the verge of extinction.  How is the gender of the foetus decided? Let us understand in detail in this article how chromosome Y works. Also, we will know how it reached the verge…

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Why Is The Brothel Area Called Red Light Area? Why Not Blue Or Black Light?

Why Is The Brothel Area Called Red Light Area?  Why Not Blue Or Black Light?

After hearing these words red light area, the society closes its ears. Because people avoid using this word and this thing openly. But when asked what you know about red light area. So perhaps you would say that this is where women trade their bodies with customers. But have you ever wondered why these areas are called red-light areas? Today we will tell you the story behind this. Why the name Red Light? There are many stories about red light area. There is a story that when railway workers used…

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