How obesity can affect intimate life know what expert says

How obesity can affect intimate life know what expert says

How Obesity Can Affect Intimacy: For a happy married life, it is very important to have better intimacy with your partner. But do you know that obesity can affect your intimacy? Yes, experts believe that obesity affects your sexual life and can also cause many health issues. So let us tell you today about the five serious effects of obesity on sexual life. Obesity not only makes us physically weak but can also affect our intimacy, let us tell you how this obesity affects your sex life and what are…

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A man was staying in a hotel, when a scorpion bit him on his private part, his wife said- married life is ruined!

A man was staying in a hotel, when a scorpion bit him on his private part, his wife said- married life is ruined!

One cannot say when, how and on whom trouble may come in life. One such horrifying case has come to light in America, where a scorpion bit the private part of a man staying in a five star hotel. Due to this his married life was ruined. In such a situation, this unlucky man has filed a case against the hotel. The name of this person is Michael Farchi. Michael alleges that in December 2023, he was staying at the Venetian Resort Hotel in Las Vegas, America. Suddenly he felt…

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