Shashi Kapoor Financial Crisis: Who does not know Shashi Kapoor, the son of the Kapoor family? He made his mark in Bollywood with his style and acting. But there came a time for Shashi Kapoor, who gave blockbuster films like ‘Roti Kapda Aur Makaan’, when he had to face financial crisis. In the late 60s, Shashi Kapoor did not have much work and money. Shashi Kapoor’s son Kunal Kapoor himself had revealed this. In an interview given in 2017, Kunal Kapoor had told that his father had to sell his…
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valentine day 2024 shashi kapoor jennifer kendal love story unknown facts
Valentine Day 2024: There are many Bollywood stars whose love story is no less than the script of a film. Yes, along with films, celebs are also in the news about their love life. Today we are going to introduce you to one such love story, whose love stories are still alive in the corridors of cinema. This superstar of Kapoor family remained alone for 33 yearsThis is the story of a superstar from the Kapoor family, who lived his life alone for 33 years after the death of his…
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