Why is the area where Titanic sank said to be extremely dangerous?

When the Titanic ship was completed, many claims were made that it could never sink. When this ship set sail for the first time, around 2200 people boarded it believing these claims. However, on April 14, 1912, the Titanic sank after colliding with an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean. 1517 people died in this accident. After this accident, Titanic was searched for a long time.  After which its debris was searched about four kilometers inside the sea in 1985. Now people spend huge amounts of money to see the wreck…

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cruise ship travel in sea if someone dies in ship there is a mortuary all of them how many dead bodies

Traveling on a cruise ship is the dream of most people. But have you ever wondered what to do if a passenger or staff dies on a cruise? Because once one sets out to sea on a cruise, it continues traveling for many months. At the same time, if in any situation a passenger dies, then it is difficult to keep the dead body on the cruise for so many days. Today we will tell you where the dead body is kept in such a situation. What happens when someone…

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Passengers travel without clothes on this cruise, know what rules the company has made for this

Today everyone wants to remain stress free in life. People also do different things for this. For example, some people keep themselves busy in yoga, dancing, traveling and other activities to reduce stress. But today we are going to tell you about a company which is making people travel without clothes to reduce their stress. Yes, it may seem a bit strange to hear this, but it is true. Know which company is organizing such a journey.  Unique journey This company, which is organizing a unique journey without clothes, is…

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Why are helpers called Khalasi, know where this word came from

  All of you must have heard the word Khalasi around you or in your job. Especially in Indian Railways, helpers are called Khalasi. But have you ever wondered where this word comes from? Today we will tell you where this word Khalasi for helpers comes from. After all, what does it mean.  The word Khalasi  According to the information, Khala is an Arabic word. It has many meanings like space, sky, empty space, void, void, heaven, emptiness etc. Let us tell you that the word Khali is formed from…

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What is the process of freeing a hijacked ship, which force takes action?

  India rescued the hijacked cargo ship MV Leela Norfolk in the Arabian Sea within 24 hours under a special operation. All 21 crew members including 15 Indians aboard the ship are safe. But today we will tell you what is the process of freeing a hijacked ship. What does the government do to free the ship.  What is the matter  On January 4, 2024, about 4,000 kilometers away from the Indian coast. A cargo ship named MV Leela Norfolk was hijacked in Sagar. Hijackers take it closer to Somalia.…

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Where Is The Panama Canal How Does It Works Know How Ships Are Lifted Here

Panama Canal: If we ask you whether a ship can cross a mountain, your answer will be ‘no’. Will believe if we say that it is not only possible, but every year about 15 thousand water ships also cross the mountain. Actually, it is known to be so because of the Panama Canal. Making this canal is considered the world’s largest and most difficult engineering project. Let us know about the unique workmanship of this canal. Canal connects two oceans This canal is in Panama, America. This canal works to…

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Whale Fish Is Dying Due To Online Shopping And Climate Change Read What Report Says

In the last three months, 23 whales were found dead on the East Coast of America. Of which 12 were found only on the coasts of New York and New Jersey. Just last week three whales were found dead, including the first critically endangered Atlantic right whale off the coast of Virginia. Another was a humpback whale off the coast of New Jersey and a third was a minke whale off the Rockaway Peninsula coast of New York City. Scientists told this reason According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric…

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