Rajasthani boy lost his heart after seeing the robot, will fill it with vermilion in demand, will get his ‘wife’ to do such work!

Love has no limits. Love is a feeling that embraces anyone at any time. And once you fall in the grip of love, it is very difficult to escape from it. People fight big wars in love. But a young man from Rajasthan fell in love with a machine. Now this young man has decided to marry the machine i.e. robot Giga. In this marriage, this person named Surya is going to marry a robot. Yes, you read it right. A man in Rajasthan is going to marry a robot.…

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Banarasi groom set an example, groom refused to marry without dowry, bride ran away on bike

The streets of Banaras are famous for many reasons. There is Ganga Ji here, there is a gathering of temples and for food lovers, this city is like heaven. But recently this city came into discussion for a special reason. A video captured in the streets of Banaras was shared on social media. The exact location of Banaras was not mentioned in the video but it was written that it was captured on a road in Banaras itself. This video won the hearts of people. In this video going viral,…

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