shocking news

The sound of ‘hiss-hiss’ came from behind the wall, when the person broke the brick, the cobra’s clan was seen, the senses were blown away!

There are more than one dangerous and poisonous snakes present all over the world, people…

Boyfriend used to beat me by keeping me confined at home, had made life hell, legs saved my life like this!

Some people do not desist from harassing women even today. Often one gets to read…

A 64 year old woman, but likes younger men, said – the only purpose is to have fun!

There are many people around the world who are often in the news for strange…

After the marriage, the man organized a party, sent invitations to the entire village, but no one came, the reason is shocking!

Many matters related to marriage often go viral on social media. In some of these…

In this style, the girl lies down with the giant snake, caresses the whole night, then does this thing!

There are many dangerous snakes present all over the world. Some of these snakes are…

What is the name of the smallest city in the world? Where only 52 people live, but the reason for its fame is something else…

Vatican City is counted among the smallest countries in the world. Its total population is…

The police was issuing challan, but the girl was thinking of a joke, people said – If only it had been a boy…

Traffic police are deployed at various places for the safety of people driving, so that…