UFO seen in the sky! Mysterious plane was disappearing amidst the clouds, created panic among the people

There has been a long standing debate about whether aliens exist or not. While till date no such evidence has been found or no one has officially confirmed the existence of aliens, many such videos keep appearing on social media in which it is claimed that they exist. In foreign countries, especially in America, the news of sighting of aliens or spotting of UFOs comes to the fore. But recently a video with a similar claim was shared from Jaipur on social media. A video is becoming increasingly viral on…

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Chavannilal Halwai’s Kachora is very famous, it is in demand till Dubai and America, people call him the father of Kachori!

There is no dearth of foodies in India. If people like a dish from any place, they travel thousands of kilometres. Anyway, every state in India has its own special dish. Many states are also identified by their food. Many people are crazy about Rajasthani food. Now such restaurants have opened in many states of India, where traditional Rajasthani food is served. But where else is there better than going to the original city and getting a taste of it? If you have come to Rajasthan and did not eat…

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Cancerous cabbage is being sold indiscriminately in the market, it sprinkles death in fistfuls! Do this before eating

You must have often heard that eating green leafy vegetables keeps your health healthy. Vegetables, especially leafy vegetables, are rich in fibre. Which has very good effects on health. Eating leafy vegetables improves digestion, which affects the entire body. In earlier times, people used to cook and eat fresh vegetables plucked from the fields. But in today’s time, eating these vegetables is like inviting thousands of diseases. In today’s time, the main objective of most farmers is to produce as much crop as possible. In such a situation, chemicals and…

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The person has even defrauded the Vice President of India! This is a millionaire paanwala, he sells paan loaded with gold

You must have often seen betel leaf stands on the roadside. Many people run their household by feeding paan to paan lovers. Many people barely survive by selling paan worth ten rupees. But a person in Rajasthan became a millionaire because of this paan. Everyone talks about this person’s paan gumti. In fact, if people do not want to come to this person to eat paan, then they come to Gumti just to see him. This paan seller sells paan wearing gold worth two crores. Yes, the person is seen…

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The person left the ‘snake’ in the toilet, the man sitting inside came in panic, jumped out the door, then saw a strange sight

Are you sitting inside the toilet and suddenly a snake comes in front of you? Imagine what your condition will be. One such video is going viral on social media, in which it can be seen that a person secretly releases a remote controlled snake inside a public toilet. The boy present inside the toilet gets scared after seeing that snake and starts thinking of getting out from there at any cost. Terror can be clearly seen on the boy’s face in the video. He climbs over the toilet door,…

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Look at the courage of the mongoose! He openly got into trouble with the lions, the king of the jungle was seen running away, video went viral

The lion is considered to be the most dreaded animal of the forest, which kills its prey very brutally. However, this does not happen every time. Sometimes a lion loses his life after fighting with a wild buffalo and sometimes becomes a victim of hyenas. But have you ever thought that even a small creature like a mongoose can chase away lions? Usually you would have seen the video of the fight between a snake and a mongoose, but we are going to show you the video of the fight…

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Woman ordered 5 kg cheese online, delivery boy kept it at the door of the house, lost consciousness after cutting it with a knife

In today’s time, the trend of online delivery has increased a lot. Due to convenience, people have started ordering goods right from their home. Earlier clothes and electronics were ordered online. Then delivery of food items started. Now ration, vegetables, fruits and even medicines reach the doorstep. If you also order most of the household items online, then this video will surprise you. A video was shared on social media that will make you lose faith in online delivery. Many times you must have heard about fraud in online shopping.…

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A boy is taking a selfie with the person whom people run away from, the onlookers said – ‘Was this the last photo?’

Various types of videos keep going viral on social media, but among the videos that people like the most, the videos related to animals are on the top. Even if we see some content that we have never seen before, then people watch it again and again. One such video is going viral, in which a person is taking a selfie with a ferocious leopard. If you also think that leopards can never be seen behaving friendly with humans, then your perception will change after watching this video today. Apart…

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‘It is a disease to love animals so much…’ Woman had kept 159 dogs and cats in a small flat, neighbors called police!

Keeping pets at home is a fashion these days. People often keep pets in their homes and treat them like a member of the family. There can be at least 1 and maximum 4-5 pets in someone’s house, but the woman about whom we are going to tell you today, she kept 159 pets in a small house. Loving animals shows your sensitivity, but if you are so protective of them that you fill your house with only animals, then it is a disease. A French woman has a similar…

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Darshan of Yamraj while reeling! He was performing acrobatics in the mud, his head sank like this, he almost escaped death…

There was a time when people had to work very hard to become famous. Be it in studies or in any one skill, he had to make himself the best. However, now things have changed and people become famous in the country and the world even through a reel of just a few seconds. In this process, people often end up doing something that puts their life in danger. Nowadays people are doing anything to go viral. A boy did something similar, after which he almost escaped death. While doing…

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