Shri Ramlala Darshan Yojana free travel to Ayodhya Ram Mandir know who gets its benefits how to apply

Shri Ramlala Darshan Yojana free travel to Ayodhya Ram Mandir know who gets its benefits how to apply

Shri Ramlala Darshan Yojana: Different types of schemes are run for the people in many states of the country. In some schemes, the objective is to develop a particular class, while some are brought to provide facilities to the people. One such scheme is in discussion these days. Whose name is Shriramlala Darshan Yojana. Which was also challenged in the court, which is why the plan is being discussed more. Actually, under this scheme, people will be allowed to visit Ayodhya for free. Ram Mandir Darshan facility is being provided.…

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