Having something sweet to eat after a meal is nothing unusual in most families unless

Having something sweet to eat after a meal is nothing unusual in most families unless

WHO had released a report a few days ago in which it was said that sugar or salt contain microplastics. We should not eat it in excess because it is harmful for our health. But recently a report has been published about Indians. In which it has been told that Indians eat a lot of sugar. And their addiction to eating sweets is increasing day by day. There has been no reduction in it. One in two Indians living in cities eats sweets with pressure Recently a survey has been…

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If You Feel Like Eating Something Sweet In Ramzan Then Make This Special Shrikhand See Recipe Here

If You Feel Like Eating Something Sweet In Ramzan Then Make This Special Shrikhand See Recipe Here

Shrikhand Recipe: If you also want to try some special sweet dessert in Iftar, then we have come up with a very easy and healthy dessert recipe for you. Its name is Shrikhand… Although it is a dish of the western states of India, Gujarat and Maharashtra, but it is eaten with great fervor all over India. It is made from curd and does not even need to be cooked. Nor is oil or ghee used in it. It is very easy to make and it takes only 25 to…

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