Cannot take river bath on Mauni Amavasya 2024 these rules bathing at home will also give benefits

Cannot take river bath on Mauni Amavasya 2024 these rules bathing at home will also give benefits

Mauni Amavasya 2024 Bathing Importance: In Sanatan Dharma, Mauni Amavasya falling in the month of Magh is considered a very important day. It is also called Maghi Amavasya, Maun Amavasya, Magh Amavasya or Mauni Amavasya. On this day, there is importance of bathing in holy rivers including Ganga and Narmada. Besides, devotees also observe a fast of silence on this day. The importance of river bathing has also been mentioned in the scriptures. It is believed that by bathing in the river, all the sins are washed away from the…

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