Decrease in Happy Tension in Love Relationships What is Venus retrograde in pisces

Decrease in Happy Tension in Love Relationships What is Venus retrograde in pisces

Shukra vakri 2025: Venus is a factor of happiness, splendor, enjoyment and beauty. Venus has been retrograde on March 2, which will be the path on 13 April at 6:36 am. The planet Venus will be retrograde in Pisces. Due to the good position of this planet, many comforts are found in life. According to Dr. Anish Vyas, director of Pal Balaji Astrology, Jaipur Jodhpur, Jyotishacharya Dr. Anish Vyas, when Venus comes in retrograde situation, then gives mixed results to the native. Due to this, physical pleasures may decrease, tension…

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