Side Effects of Plastic : Plastic has become a part of our life all the time, whether we are awake or on the move. This is only about the plastic that we can see. Micro and nano plastics are invisible to the eyes. This is not only harmful for the environment but also for our body. Micro-nano plastics are hidden in food, water, air and everything and are entering the body and causing danger. According to a report by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), a person consumes 5β¦
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side effects to store leftover food in plastic container in fridge in hindi
Health Tips : The use of plastic has increased to a great extent. Nowadays it is being used everywhere. Plastic utensils are being used even in homes. Some people even store leftover food in plastic utensils. Plastic utensils are considered good for microwave and oven but it has bad side effects on health. Many people consider keeping the leftover food of the day in the fridge as the right option. They do this every day but experts say that the use of plastic utensils can be harmful for health (Plasticβ¦
Read Moreβ¦then that means you are drinking plastic with your coffee!
Are you also a coffee lover and start the day with coffee? Is it not that you are drinking plastic along with coffee. If you are drinking your favorite hot beverage in ceramic, glass and metal cups then it will not be much of a problem, but if you drink in disposable cups then it can prove to be dangerous for you. Drinking coffee in disposable cups is dangerous for you, because the plastic layer inside them can make it difficult for you. Actually, keeping hot liquid in the cupβ¦
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