side effects of smoking

World Heart Day 2024 bidi smoking is dangerous for your heart and can cause heart disease and heart attack

According to a research by the 'National Institute of Health', frequent smoking of cannabis can…

Why is e-cigarette dangerous even though it does not contain tobacco? What diseases can it cause?

Electronic cigarettes are available in many shapes in the market. For example, some look like…

Is beedi more dangerous or cigarette? find out today

Smoking Side Effects: How dangerous things like cigarettes and beedis are for the body is…

reasons why you should immediately quit smoking

Smoking Effects: Everyone knows how dangerous smoking is, yet people still do it. This dangerous…

health tips e cigarette and normal cigarette side effects in hindi

E-cigarettes vs Smoking: Smoking cigarettes is harmful for health. This can cause many diseases. The…

If you have not yet given up the habit of smoking cigarettes, then be alert, this serious disease is knocking at your door.

Smoking Side Effects: If you also smoke, then quit it immediately, otherwise you may become…

Scientists Discover Smoking Side Effect On Brain Damage

Smoking Effects On Brain: Smoking has very bad effects on our health. This can lead…