Can drinking tea in the morning on an empty stomach be dangerous for health?

The mouth waters just by hearing the name of tea. There is no dearth of tea lovers in India. Many people drink tea many times a day. But do you know, there is a time and rule for drinking tea. Which only a few people know. In such a situation, many people consume tea on an empty stomach in the morning. Today we will tell you whether it is right to consume tea on an empty stomach or not. Caffeine and caffeine are present in tea, which causes problems like…

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Health Tips Disadvantages Of Drinking Overboiled Tea In Winter In Hindi

Tea Side Effects: Most people like to drink tea. During the winter season, many people drink several cups of tea throughout the day. Some people cannot live without tea even for some time. It is believed that a cup of tea in winter can prevent many diseases. Tea is said to be the best immunity booster in winter. However, one should avoid drinking too much tea even during winter season. Health experts advise not to drink too much tea in winter. He says that the intake of tea (Tea Side…

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Do you start missing tea in the evening? Then definitely know its advantages and disadvantages

Evening Tea : Most people in India like tea. If they get a cup of tea in the morning-evening, day-afternoon then there is no need for anything else. According to a report, 64 percent of Indians are such that they get upset if they do not get tea every day. More than 30% of these people do not miss evening tea. But the biggest question is whether evening tea is good or bad for health or it is harmful, because experts believe that 10 hours before sleeping, one should avoid things…

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Tea Side Effects Serious Disadvantages Of Drinking Cold Tea After Heating It

Tea Side Effects On Body: People are very fond of drinking tea in the country and the world. Many people’s eyes do not open without tea. He wants tea in the morning. Apart from this, there are many people who need tea several times a day. Drinking too much tea can do harm. This causes acidity problem. Due to caffeine, its negative effect is also seen on the brain. At the same time, there are many people who make tea. The tea gets cold when kept. Later, the same tea…

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Side Effects Of Tea You Also Have The Habit Of Drinking Tea After Eating Food Know The Disadvantages Here

Side Effects of Tea: Whether it is winter or summer, people do not stop drinking tea. Many times we drink tea many times in the office to drive away laziness. But do you know that drinking too much tea can harm your health. Some people drink tea even after eating food to drive away laziness. But drinking tea after eating food can cause disturbances in your stomach. There is no harm in drinking two cups of tea a day, but that time should also be correct. For example, it is…

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