To Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy Start These Five Tips From the Third Month

To Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy Start These Five Tips From the Third Month

Keep the skin moisturized: During pregnancy, your skin stretches, which can cause stretch marks. To prevent this, it is important to moisturize your skin daily. Choose creams or oils that contain ingredients like vitamin E, cocoa butter, and aloe vera. These keep the skin soft and flexible, reducing the chances of stretch marks. Drink lots of water: Drinking water is very beneficial for your skin. It keeps your skin hydrated and increases its elasticity. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily, so that your skin remains hydrated from inside…

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Glow is visible on Deepika’s face during pregnancy, know why the face starts glowing before delivery

Glow is visible on Deepika’s face during pregnancy, know why the face starts glowing before delivery

During pregnancy, many changes take place in the body of women, out of which one of the most beautiful changes is the special glow on the face. The same glow is visible on Deepika’s face during pregnancy, which is the result of natural and healthy changes happening inside her. As the delivery approaches, this glow increases even more, due to which she starts looking even more beautiful. This glow is not only a symbol of beauty, but it is also a sign of the health and happiness of the mother…

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