When children snore, parents find this common concern. Which people often ignore. However, taking continuous snoring can be a sign of many health problems. Which is very important to pay attention to it. While sometimes snoring can not be a matter of concern. But repeated snoring can be a sign of sleep related problems related to sleep and breath. This is a disease that has affected a good part of children all over the world. According to the health experts, people often take the problems related to the snoring of…
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What is sleep apnea Know how this sleep disorder can affect your heart and brain ann
Sleep Apnea: If you are also snoring continuously while sleeping and this snoring has been happening for a long time, then you should also be a little careful because it can create a big danger for you in the future. Snoring while sleeping causes breathing to stop, oxygen level goes down and this is why it affects both the heart and brain. So let us know in this article what is the sleep disorder sleep apnea and how it affects your heart and mind. What is sleep apnea? If someone…
Read MoreDo not sleep in this position, otherwise you will invite death.
Sleeping in the wrong position can prove dangerous for your health. Therefore, sleeping on the stomach, half sitting, half lying down, with the head tilted upwards can prove to be dangerous for health. This may cause injury to bones and muscles. Sleeping incorrectly during pregnancy has adverse effects on the fetus. At least 6-7 hours of sleep is very important. Sleeping in the wrong way can cause injuries to bones, muscles or nerves. You must have seen many times that the more people sleep, the more sleep they get. Pressure…
Read MoreMore than 10 crore people from India are suffering from sleep apnea health tips.
Due to lack of sleep many types of health related problems start occurring. According to the report of AIIMS New Delhi, about 10 crore people in India are suffering from sleeping disorder. The problem of obstructive sleep apnea has been found in them. This is a disease in which breathing is not proper during sleep and snoring also occurs. Due to which sleep gets disturbed. About 11% of adults in the country are affected by this disease. In this data prepared from 6 research in the last two decades, AIIMS…
Read MoreIf you feel more thirsty at night, know which disease it indicates, never ignore it
Many times we feel thirsty repeatedly at night, which also disturbs our sleep. If we start feeling more thirsty at night, then it is not right to ignore it. There can be many reasons behind feeling thirsty repeatedly, it can be a sign of some serious diseases. If you feel thirsty repeatedly at night, then do not take it lightly and pay attention. Let’s know here. Sign of diabetesThe most common reason for feeling more thirsty at night can be diabetes. When the level of sugar in the body increases,…
Read MoreWhat is the disease of sleep apnea, people start doing such dangerous things
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep-related disease. In this disease, sleep is interrupted many times. Sometimes breathing can even stop, a person keeps changing sides throughout the night. According to a statistic, 13% of the population in the country suffers from obstructive sleep apnea. Among these, the figure for men is 19.7% and for women is 7.4%. According to experts, Sleep Apnea can cause 30 or more breath stops in an hour or problems like changing sides. This is a disease in which many problems related to sleep can occur.…
Read MoreGood news for snorers, they will get 78 thousand rupees every month, no tax will be levied on it!
Can snoring bring money for someone? Yes, you might find it strange to hear this, but there is a place where if you have a snoring problem, you can get Rs 78,000 every month. This facility is being given by the UK’s Department of Work and Patient (DWP) to those people who have a serious snoring problem. The interesting thing is that working people can also avail this and it is absolutely tax free. Snoring is often ignored as a minor nuisance. It can sometimes develop into a more serious…
Read MoreSnoring can increase the risk of fatal diseases read full article in Hindi
Snoring while sleeping is common. But if you are snoring every day? Or if a loud sound comes from your nose while snoring, then you are not healthy at all. This can prove to be dangerous for your health. People who snore are not able to get proper sleep. Due to snoring, every fourth person can become a victim of sleep apnea. Let us tell you that more than 12 crore people in our country suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. Due to snoring, the risk of hypertension-sugar, heart attack and…
Read MoreA woman does shopping in her sleep, gets into a debt of Rs 3 lakh, seeing this the doctor said- oh this is a rare disease
We all know that women love shopping. But a woman from Britain shops in her sleep. She did so much shopping that she incurred a debt of Rs 3 lakh. When she came to know about it, she rushed to the doctors. After examining her, the doctors said, “This is a rare disease. If not treated on time, it can be very harmful.” According to the Daily Mail report, Kelly Knipes, a resident of Essex, gave birth to her first child in 2006. Then she realized that she had started…
Read MoreYou too are giving up sleepless nights for more money, change this habit immediately, otherwise your health will deteriorate.
For the brain and body to function properly, it is very important that you complete your required 8 hours of sleep. People who do not get enough sleep become victims of depression, restlessness and obesity. According to a recent study, many people are unable to even sleep in order to earn money. Many times sleep is not complete due to excessive stress, money worries and room temperature not being right. What does the study say According to a study, 38 percent people are unable to get complete sleep due to…
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