health tips how many hours should sleep by age to stay healthy

health tips how many hours should sleep by age to stay healthy

Sleep By Age : To stay fit and healthy, sleep is as important as food and water. But nowadays, due to busy life schedule, stress, smartphone addiction, most people are not able to get enough sleep. Their sleep keeps getting interrupted. Due to which they are suffering from many types of diseases. In such a situation, the question arises that how many hours of sleep is sufficient. How long can one sleep to remain physically and mentally fit? Let’s know from the experts… Why getting enough sleep is importantMany people…

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How much sleep should be taken at which age to stay healthy, know the need of sleep according to age.

How much sleep should be taken at which age to stay healthy, know the need of sleep according to age.

Healthy Sleep Time: To keep the body healthy, sleep is equally important as eating habits and physical activities are important. This not only results in good growth, but also helps the body and mind function well. Sleep also strengthens the immune system and helps in hormone regulation. However, everyone’s sleep is different. Many people sleep more and some people sleep less. Sleep largely depends on lifestyle, age and medical condition. Experts say that good sleep is needed at every age, but most people are not aware of how much sleep…

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