snake bite

Unique incident in Bihar.. 1 year old child chewed snake thinking it to be a toy, then…

A shocking incident has come to light from Gaya district of Bihar, which has become…

Why do dreams come at night know What is the truth in dreams

It is very common for any person to dream. Science says that every person in…

The snake that bit the child was packed in a polythene bag by the father and son and taken to the hospital, the whole matter is unique

Harikant Sharma/Agra: You must have heard many incidents of snake bite but a unique case…

Can a snake bite through jeans How dangerous are his teeth

Snake Teeth: There are many different types of snakes in the world. Some work is…

The snake took a strong kiss, scratched its mouth, the joke with the python proved costly, the heart will tremble after watching the video!

Videos of catching everything from cobra to python go viral on social media. From homes…

How snake poison is treated with camel’s tears, know this magical treatment

Kaam ki Baat: It is said that only iron cuts iron, the news is that…

What will happen if one snake bites another snake? The answer is very interesting.

  Snake is considered to be the most poisonous animal in the world. Some snakes…