Only the brave can do this! The most dangerous snake cobra fell in the well, the video of the rescue will give you goosebumps!

Snakes are such creatures that are very dangerous, it is very difficult to guess their mood and movements. Although everyone is aware of their dangers. This is the reason why people want to run far away on seeing a snake or people do not sit peacefully until it is rescued. In such a situation, snake friends or snake rescuers who catch snakes coming out from place to place risk their lives and catch snakes, in such cases there is a fear of accidents. Just like the danger seen with snake…

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OMG! Such fun can be overwhelming with poisonous cobra, even by mistake you should not do this…

Balaghat, If a poisonous cobra bites someone, then it is very difficult to survive. But snake friend Chaman Giri Goswami of Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh has caught this dangerous snake with his hands through wood. This cobra is constantly moving here and there to escape. Onlookers find it all easy, but to do so is to risk life. The people standing there made a video of the snake friend doing this with the dangerous snake. It may seem easy to play with a cobra in the video, but its…

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