Poisonous snakes kept crawling on the body, yet the brave soldiers did not run away nor did they move from their place, this video of Indian Army will shock you!

You must have heard a lot of stories about the bravery of the Indian Army and its results, but have you ever wondered where our soldiers get so much courage from? So this courage and this passion comes from their dangerous training. If you see it once, your eyes will be wide open with surprise. People run away just by seeing a snake but when it comes to the soldiers of the Indian Army, the way you will see them with this dangerous creature in this video will shock you.…

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Viral Video: After getting bitten by a snake, the man kept saying on the show, nothing will happen, God will save him, but something else happened

There are many people in the world who are not afraid of snakes and walk with them hanging around their necks as if they are silk ropes. At times, these snakes become dangerous. Recently, a special video is going viral on the internet. It shows how a person who repeatedly claimed that God himself protects him from snake bites was killed during a show. In this shocking show, this person is Jamie Coots After being bitten eight times in 20 years, Jamie Coots believed he had divine powers. His stunts…

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Know about that country where there are neither mosquitoes nor snakes! The environment here is like this

Many countries of the world are troubled by diseases caused by mosquitoes and deaths caused by snake bites. Mosquitoes cause deaths every year where about 7,00,000 deaths occur, On the other hand, snake bite causes approximately 50 60 thousand people lose their lives every year. In such a situation, do you know about a country where you will not find a single mosquito or snake or any insect? Today we are going to tell you about one such country. There is neither a single mosquito nor a single snake in…

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snakes and cobras cling to sandalwood trees Expert told the truth behind this

You must have heard from the village and elders that snakes and cobras remain wrapped around sandalwood trees. Actually all those people believed that snake needs coolness and it is found on sandalwood tree. But today we will tell you what is the truth behind it. sandalwood tree Do snakes and cobras really live on sandalwood trees? Regarding this, a media organization has talked to Professor Vijay Malik, Head of the Department of Botany running in the Chaudhary Charan Singh University campus. Vijay Malik is known as an expert on…

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How does a cobra expand and contract its hood? Why can’t other snakes do this?

  Snake is considered to be the most poisonous animal in the world. But today we are going to tell you about cobra snake. You must have noticed that the cobra always keeps expanding and contracting its hood. But have you wondered why other snakes are not able to do this? How does a cobra spread its hood? Today we will tell you about it. Cobra snake Let us tell you that to spread its hood, the cobra extends the front part of the body in the air. Makes stand.…

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A strange sound was coming from the boy’s shoes, when I peeped in, my eyes widened.

New Delhi: People leave their shoes outside the house before entering the house. Although many times people check it to wear it again, many people do not even check it. This news may scare those people who do not check their shoes before wearing them. A video related to this is going viral on social media. Actually, a strange sound was coming from a person’s shoe. When he went and checked the shoe, he was surprised to see the sight. It can be seen in the video that as soon…

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Why is this bird called killer queen, it attacks its prey in the blink of an eye

  Different species of animals and birds are found in the world. All these animals are also known for some of their specialties. Today we are going to tell you about a bird which is called Killer Queen. Because it kills its prey in the blink of an eye.  Real name of the bird The name of this bird is Secretary Bird. These are basically found in the grasslands of Africa. Due to its fast hunting ability, it is also called killer queen. This long legged bird attacks very powerfully…

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Those animals which are seen only in India, tourists come from abroad to see these animals.

  India is a very special country in the world when it comes to animals. Because there are 104 national parks and 553 forest sanctuaries. In India, the mountains can be seen from snowy climate to desert. This is the reason why tourists from India and abroad continuously come to visit different states of India. There are many animals in the world which are seen only in India. Today we are going to tell you about such animals.  One-horned Rhinoceros One-horned Rhinoceros was first found in Pakistan and Myanmar also.…

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Snakes are most afraid of this thing! You will be surprised to know

Snake is considered one of the dangerous poisonous animals. After seeing a snake in or around the house, we keep distance from it, because the snake can turn and attack at any time. However, snakes are more afraid of humans than they are of humans. Today we will tell you what things snakes are most afraid of. What is the snake most afraid of? According to the information, snakes are most afraid of snakes. Especially one snake is afraid of other species of snakes. Actually, snake is a territorial animal,…

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Why do we scratch the head of a snake after killing it? This is the scientific reason behind it

Killing living beings is not right in any way. But many times people take such steps out of anger or fear. This happens especially with snakes. In a village, if a snake comes into someone’s house, people kill it out of fear that it might bite someone. Many times a snake bites someone due to anger. People come here and kill the snake. Well, in this article we will tell you why people scratch the head of a snake after killing it. Is there any scientific reason behind this or…

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