Worlds Number 1 App Facebook Tik Tok Social Media Instagram Most Downloaded Reels Video Feature

World’s Number 1 App: Regarding the world’s number 1 app, people often think that Facebook or TikTok will be on the first position, but it is not so. Now Instagram has overtaken both these apps and reached number one. Actually, Instagram has benefited due to TikTok being banned in some countries. Apart from this, there are some other reasons for TikTok’s lagging behind. According to the report of Sensor Tower, the download of Instagram has increased by 20 percent in the world. In the year 2023, the Instagram app was…

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The company added new features in Telegram, also changed the interface of audio and video calls, know what new you will get.

Social media company Telegram has added some new features to its app. In the 10.5.0 update of Telegram, the company has changed the calling interface, along with upgrading the bots and also added Thanos animation for deleting messages in the app. The new update not only brings new features but it also uses less resources than before, which does not consume much battery and it works fast. According to the company’s website, this is the tenth update of 2023. In the new update, the company has completely changed the calling…

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France National Assembly Passed A New Privacy Bill For Children Now Parents Cannot Post Their Child Photo Or Video

Children’s Privacy: Be it adults or children, privacy is important for everyone. Everyone wants that no one else should see his personal things nor is he interested in knowing them. In this era of the Internet, the thing called privacy is ending. In a way, today everything is public. However, from time to time, various steps are taken by tech companies or governments to maintain privacy. Meanwhile, a similar step has been taken by the National Assembly of France. Actually, a new bill has been passed here, under which parents…

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Stop Using Social Media Apps For 15 Minutes Daily It May Improve Your Health | Distance from social media, necessary for health…! Make distance from the phone for 15 minutes, you will get many benefits

Social media has become very important for most people nowadays. Most of the information related to what is going on in the country and the world is available through social media. Some people are using it for publicity and some are using it to earn money. But do you know how bad social media can affect your health? Many times we go into anxiety, stress and depression because of this even without wanting to. A research suggests that not using social media for 15 minutes a day can improve your…

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