Sonam Kapoor On Anil Kapoor: Anil Kapoor is an evergreen actor of Bollywood. Anil always wins the hearts of the audience with his versatile acting. At the same time, he is also included among the fittest actors of the Hindi film industry. He also gives tough competition to young actors with his fitness. His daughter and actress Sonam Kapoor has revealed the fitness secret of her father Anil Kapoor. What is the secret of Anil Kapoor’s fitness?Despite being 67 years old, Anil Kapoor is at the peak of his career.…
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Anand Ahuja Sonam Kapoor Love Story Actress Talked About Their First Meeting
Sonam Kapoor-Anand Ahuja Love Story: Sonam Kapoor gave an interview in which she recalled her first meeting with Anand. In this interview, Sonam told how Anand (Anand Ahuja) himself had lost his heart while getting her set up with his friend. Actually, Anand was trying to impress Sonam for his best friend, but he himself got arrested in her love. Let us tell you what the actress told. Wanted to get setting done with best friend Sonam told in this interview that her friends wanted to set her up with…
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