Why do some watches make ticking sound? Know the science behind it

Many people are fond of wearing watches. But more than a hobby, watches are an integral part of our lives. Because watches tell time and without time our lives will stop. But do you know why there is a ticking sound in both wrist and wall clocks? Today we will tell you what is the reason behind this. Watch Nowadays, most people like to wear smart watches and also put smart watches on the wall at home. But still, there are watches in almost every house which make a ticking…

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You hear the sound of Sai Sai, know how dangerous this disease is.

Ear Tinnitus: Are you also hearing ‘Sai-Sai’ sound coming from your ears, it seems as if someone is whistling in your ears, if yes then be alert immediately, because these can be symptoms of a dangerous disease. This type of sound is a symptom of Tinnitus Disease. If it is not treated in time, there can be a risk of becoming deaf. This can also cause mental problems. Actually, this happens due to disturbance in the ear nerve, which can be reduced by medicine or surgery. However, if there is…

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dogs understand human language research revealed

Dog is considered to be the closest and dearest animal to humans. There is often a debate about dogs whether dogs understand what humans say or not? In some research it is claimed that dogs understand what humans say. At the same time, some scientists have also claimed that dogs do not understand anything that humans say. Today we will tell you what has come to light in scientific research regarding dogs. Do dogs really understand what humans say? According to Inside Your Dog’s Mind, research by anthropologist Dr. Brian…

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Why do wolves walk in packs, this is why even lions are afraid of hunting

  Since childhood, we have read in books that the lion is the king of the jungle. But do you know that even the lion is afraid of hunting the wolf. Actually, according to biologists, wolves move in packs and if any animal attacks any member of the pack, then all the wolves are ready to fight and die together. Because of this, even animals like lions are afraid of coming near wolves. Today we will tell you why wolves always walk in packs and why they howl at night. …

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How is a supersonic jet, which will travel faster than the speed of sound?

  America’s space agency NASA and major aerospace sector company Lockheed Martin have launched a low-noise supersonic aircraft X-59. According to the information, the speed of this aircraft is faster than the speed of sound. Today we will tell you what a supersonic aircraft looks like and what are its features.   1.4 times the speed of sound  According to the information, X-59 can fly at 1.4 times the speed of sound. After the test flight of the X-59, the US space agency will provide data to the regulators, which…

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