China Cliamed Philippine Personnel Pointed Guns at Chinese Coast Guard in Disputed Waters Ares | China Philippines Conflict: Philippines tightened the Dragon’s air! China claims

China-Philippines Conflict: There has been a lot of bitterness between China and the Philippines in the last few days. Meanwhile, the Philippines has given a befitting reply to China for its aggressive activities in the disputed waters of the South China Sea. It is being told that the Philippines pointed guns at the Chinese Coast Guard. China’s government media has claimed this. According to the Hindustan Times report, China says that the Philippines personnel pointed guns at the Chinese coast guard in the disputed waters. According to the news agency…

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India gave BrahMos supersonic missile to Philippines Chinese army expressed displeasure

India-Philippines: China has started agonizing over India sending the first batch of BrahMos missile to the Philippines. The Chinese army has issued a statement calling it a threat to a third country. BrahMos missile is counted among the fastest supersonic cruise missiles in the world. It is capable of hitting targets from land, air and sea. Now China has said that in defense cooperation between two countries, care should be taken that it should not harm any third party or the regional peace there. In fact, a deal worth $375…

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Philippines says Chinese coast guard intercepts ships south China sea

Philippines China Dispute: The dispute between Philippines and China is continuously increasing. News is coming that Chinese Coast Guard forces have stopped a Philippines ship in the South China Sea. After the ship was stopped, there was a scuffle between the armies of both the countries. There has always been a serious issue between the two countries regarding their jurisdiction in the South China Sea. This is the reason why there is always tension between the two countries regarding this region. A statement has come out from the Philippines on…

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Third World War will start from here! ChatGPT’s scary prediction, also names 6 countries

After the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas wars, the world started fearing the possibility of a third world war. People had even started believing that a world war was about to begin. But the wisdom of America and the Gulf countries probably saved the earth from being set on fire. But AI bot ChatGPT, which is considered almighty in the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), has made a scary prediction. ChatGPT has named those 6 countries from where the Third World War can start. A few days ago, British Army Chief of…

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China Targeted US For Deploying USS Carl Vinson Aircraft Carrier In South China Sea Threat America

China Threatens US For Deploying Aircraft Carrier: China has been trying to dominate the South China Sea for many years. Regarding this, many countries have condemned China’s actions and have also warned of taking appropriate action. However, despite this, China does not desist from its actions. Meanwhile, America has launched one of its nuclear submarines (USS Carl Vinson) in the South China Sea to teach China a lesson. After this, China has become nervous. On this, China threatened America that the American Navy cannot compete with us. Global Times, the…

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