world first robot suicide in south korea depressed with work pressure

World’s first robot suicide: A piece of news has created a stir in the whole world. This news is about suicide, but this suicide was not committed by a human being but by a robot. It is being said that he could not bear the pressure of work and he committed suicide. A detailed report on this suicide has been published in the Daily Mirror report. According to the report, a robot which was working as an assistant in the municipal works of Central South Korea committed suicide due to…

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In many cities, there is terror of crows, they make the whole city dark, people do not leave their houses due to fear!

Can a country be troubled by birds? Yes, it is so. In not just one but several cities of a country, groups of a particular bird are creating a lot of terror. The situation is such that even the government is unable to find a way to deal with them. In the cities of South Korea, there is terror of gangs of ‘intelligent’ crows, who are cutting off electricity and attacking the residents. It is said that Koreans are living in fear due to the increase in attacks by crows,…

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People never turn off the TV at this place, the reason will surprise you

The culture and lifestyle of citizens of all countries around the world is different. Our country India is a country of diversity, where the culture of people in all states is different. On the other hand, in some countries, people are still living according to very old traditions. But today we are going to tell you about a place where people’s lifestyle is filled with fear. Yes, the people there are always scared. Know what is the reason behind this.  Culture is different The culture and natural beauty of every…

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People here sleep with the TV on, never turn off the lights, if you know the reason, you will be stunned!

There are hundreds of countries in the world and they have their own culture. Some have great wildlife and some are peaceful. However, there are some places where people’s lives are a little different from normal people. Today we will tell you about one such island where people don’t even sleep peacefully. Electricity and television are always on in their homes, even if it is midnight. You may want pin drop license and dim light while sleeping but there is a place in the world where people do not sleep…

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There is a ban on wearing jeans in this country, what is the reason behind the ban on jeans

The clothing style is completely different in different countries around the world. But today jeans are mainly worn in most countries. But do you know that there is a country where wearing jeans is banned. Yes, people of this country cannot wear jeans, if a person wears jeans then legal action can also be taken against him. Today we will tell you why wearing jeans is banned in this country and what is the reason behind it.     Wearing jeans Today wearing jeans is seen as a common clothing…

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The youth here are leaving the dogs and cats and raising ‘stones’, they have given them separate beds, they even massage them!

There was a time when there used to be joint families. Children lived with their parents and thus there were many people in a house with whom they could share their happiness and sorrow. In such an environment, loneliness and depression did not even touch people, but nowadays people have become so lonely that they have to find strange ways for mental peace. You must have seen more than one trend. You might have seen people keeping strange animals as pets, but can one pet stones? Don’t be surprised, some…

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Online Romane Scam South Korean Women love with deepfake Elon Musk and lost around 41 Lakhs

Fake Elon Musk Love: Ever since Artificial Intelligence i.e. AI technology has come into the world, the use of deepfakes has also started increasing, which is causing losses to users all over the world. Hackers are cheating users in different ways by using deepfakes. A new case has come to light from South Korea, where a woman fell in love with Elon Musk’s deepfake i.e. fake Elon Musk, due to which she lost $50,000 i.e. about Rs 41 lakh. Let us tell you about this news in detail. Loving fake…

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There will be a sun-like power plant on Earth, the new record of ‘Artificial Sun’ raises hopes, the benefits are no less.

Nuclear energy is also considered a source of renewable energy. In this, the use of nuclear fusion is seen as the most effective and harmless solution. Scientists are working hard to do this under controlled conditions. In this regard, South Korean scientists have announced a new world record. He has succeeded in maintaining a temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius in the nuclear fusion experiment. It is being told that it is seven times hotter than the core of the Sun. The purpose of this nuclear fusion is to repeat…

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know about South Korea most niggard woman saved this much money from her salary in four years

Different types of people are found in the world. Some are very daring. Who are not afraid of doing any work. Some are very kind hearted and their hearts melt over small things. Some are very emotional and get hurt by everything. You must be seeing many such people around you. There are some people who are miser. He is also a number one miser. In South Korea, an award is given to the most miserly person. That means if you are stingy and go to North Korea, then you…

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She eats for 500 rupees a month, neither goes to parlor nor buys water, the girl became a millionaire on the basis of miserliness!

We all have heard that saving is very important in life but not everyone understands its importance. It is even more difficult for working people to save because they often spend unnecessarily on various things. However, one who understands the importance of saving, prepares for his future in advance. A girl has done the same, although you will be stunned to hear her method of saving. You will be surprised to hear that the girl takes a salary of around Rs 1.5 lakh per month, but when it comes to…

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