Online Romane Scam South Korean Women love with deepfake Elon Musk and lost around 41 Lakhs

Online Romane Scam South Korean Women love with deepfake Elon Musk and lost around 41 Lakhs

Fake Elon Musk Love: Ever since Artificial Intelligence i.e. AI technology has come into the world, the use of deepfakes has also started increasing, which is causing losses to users all over the world. Hackers are cheating users in different ways by using deepfakes. A new case has come to light from South Korea, where a woman fell in love with Elon Musk’s deepfake i.e. fake Elon Musk, due to which she lost $50,000 i.e. about Rs 41 lakh. Let us tell you about this news in detail. Loving fake…

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