Russian satellite broke into pieces in space terrible accident at International Space Station know condition of astronauts

Russian Satellite Broke: A terrible accident has happened in space these days. A Russian satellite has been destroyed in space, after which a big threat has arisen to the International Space Station. A damaged Russian satellite has broken down in space, which has broken into more than 100 pieces. In such a situation, the astronauts present on the space station had to take shelter for an hour, so that they can remain safe in case of any emergency. After the explosion in the satellite, the garbage in space has increased…

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‘Rain of junk’ is going to happen from the sky, 100 trillion garbage is coming from space, if it falls on the head, it will end-Tata-Good Bye

These days the weather in India is gradually getting warmer. In no time the heat will be at its peak and people will have to face heat stroke. In such a situation, if you are using an umbrella to avoid the sun, then take a slightly stronger umbrella. Actually, it is possible that while walking on the road, suddenly the garbage of space will fall on you. You must be thinking that what are we talking about? But it is absolutely correct. Yes, not a little bit from space, but…

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