10 surprising facts related to space know interesting facts

10 surprising facts related to space know interesting facts

Space is said to be a world full of mysteries. Scientists from all over the world are doing research to know the mysteries hidden in space. But there are still many such mysteries about which scientists do not know anything. Today we will tell you what are the 10 such interesting facts related to space, which you may not know yet. space Space is said to be a world full of mysteries. Although humans have reached the moon, there is still a lot in space that scientists want to know…

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The planet with 2 suns twice a time sunset and sunrise happens Kepler 16B Planet

The planet with 2 suns twice a time sunset and sunrise happens Kepler 16B Planet

Amazing Fact: Space is hiding thousands of secrets within itself. Where thousands of stars, moon, sun, meteorites and many other planets are present. If we look into space from Earth, we see a sun. All the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun. But do you know that NASA has discovered a planet which has not one but 2 suns. This planet has been confirmed in recent times, you will be surprised to know this. What did NASA tell?According to NASA, this planet is at a distance of…

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