space news

Sunita Williams is dangerous for astronauts, she has to stay in space for a long time, know complete details

Astronaut Sunita Williams: Sunita Williams has been stuck in space for a long time with…

Russian satellite breaks into 100 pieces where Sunita Williams is stuck in space Nasa mission

Space Mission: Recently, a terrible and big incident has happened in space, which has also…

Russian satellite broke into pieces in space terrible accident at International Space Station know condition of astronauts

Russian Satellite Broke: A terrible accident has happened in space these days. A Russian satellite…

space news stars also sneeze like humans know what their sneeze is like

Sneezing is a natural process for humans. But do you know that stars also sneeze…

427 meter big asteroid coming towards earth speed is 26562 km per hour if it collides with earth there will be devastation

Asteroid Coming Towards Earth: These days, NASA scientists are keeping an eye on a very…

What if two suns start shining on the earth’s sky, this will be the condition of humans.

Years ago, when scientists saw some planets millions of light years away from the Earth,…

How many stars are there in the sky? Scientists now have the answer

Due to pollution in cities like Delhi, stars are sometimes visible after rain. But the…

Corona Borealis Explosion: A star is about to explode in the sky… Know when this rare event will happen

Whenever any incident happens in space outside the Earth, it is a very surprising moment…

Space Noise There is a very loud sound coming from space but why cant we hear it on earth

If you have the ability to hear then you can hear every noise on earth.…

These places on Earth can be seen even from space these places in India are also included

The research done so far has revealed that Earth is the only place in the…