How much time does it take for a message to reach Earth from a space station or spaceship in space what is its system

The journey from earth to space has been decided, although many experiments still take place on earth and in space from time to time. The farthest thing ever sent by humans is Voyager. After months, a message has come from this spacecraft of the American space agency NASA. This is a vehicle made by humans which has been sent to the farthest distance. Whose distance from the Earth in the universe is about 25 billion kilometers. Voyager stopped sending messages on 14 November 2023. After which NASA said that now…

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Oxygen leaking from Venus, is it a threat to Earth? Scientists are not able to understand the reason

Venus is called the planet of hell, because if any human goes here, he will be destroyed in a moment. The conditions here are such that no living creature can survive here. Not only animals, but also no equipment will be able to work here, because such dangerous things keep coming out from its surface, which are going to destroy everything. A few years ago, scientists had confirmed the presence of oxygen on Venus. But now it is being said that oxygen and carbon are slowly leaking from the planet…

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Blackhole in the Galaxy: Scientists discovered a new black hole in the Galaxy, it is 33 times bigger than the Sun.

Scientists around the world always keep an eye on the black holes present in space. Now scientists have discovered a new ‘sleeping giant’ black hole in the galaxy. It is considered to be the largest black hole discovered in the galaxy. Today we will tell you where this black hole is present and how huge it is. Because the size of the black hole is the most important fact for the scientists. This massive black hole has been detected in the Aquila constellation at a distance of less than a…

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The trend of space tourism has increased know the things that you can see by going there

Space Tourism: Science has progressed a lot with time. Things that earlier humans could only think about are now becoming possible. One of those things is space tourism. After all, who would have thought that humans could travel into space? Someone must have thought that this has become possible today. In 2001, American businessman Dennis Tito was the first person to tour space. Since then, people’s interest in space tourism has increased significantly. Many companies are also now making plans for space tourism. After all, what happens in space tourism?…

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Corona Borealis Explosion: A star is about to explode in the sky… Know when this rare event will happen

Whenever any incident happens in space outside the Earth, it is a very surprising moment for humans. Recently the world witnessed a spectacular astronomical phenomenon like a total solar eclipse. There was maximum enthusiasm about this in America. But scientists all over the world are excited about the incident we are talking about. This is because this incident happens once in decades. Let us tell you which dwarf star is going to explode. This star is going to explode The dwarf star we are talking about is Corona Borealis or…

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You can also send the ashes of your family members to space know how much it costs

As man progressed in technology, his desires also increased. Earlier when there were no means to go from one place to another. At that time, people living far away from Ganga ji used to wish that after their death their ashes should be immersed in Ganga ji. But now some people want that after their death their ashes should be left in space. The most important thing is that this facility is also available. Let us know in this article how much it costs to leave ashes in space. Who…

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Toilet Facility in Space: Who was the person who first urinated in space, is there toilet facility in space?

The world of space is completely different from the earth. People constantly have many questions in their minds regarding space. But do you know which astronaut was the first to urinate in space and what are the facilities for toileting in space? After all, do astronauts use the toilet while floating?   How did this astronaut go to the toilet Let us tell you that on January 19, 1961, the American space agency NASA launched the first manned mission Mercury Redstone-3. did. On this mission, Alan Shepherd became the first…

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india is earning a wholesome amount by launching other countries satellites know the details

ISRO: There was a time when India was not considered a leading country in the matter of space science. But this picture changed after the establishment of the Indian Research Space Organization (ISRO) on 15 August 1969. In the year 1963, India launched its first rocket into space. And after that, ISRO quickly climbed many steps of success. Indian Research Space Organization i.e. ISRO is currently among the top five space agencies in the world. In the last few years, ISRO has expanded its reach from the Moon to Mars.…

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There is no gravity in space, then how do astronauts take bath in space? You will also find this method wonderful

Space is completely mysterious. People are curious to know many things about space. Many countries send their astronauts to space for different explorations. There they find an environment and conditions quite different from Earth. Not only this, they also have to face many difficulties while traveling in space. At some point or the other, this question might have come to your mind that how do astronauts take bath in space? Today we will give you the answer to this question.   Using water is difficult It is true that astronauts use…

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Space Noise There is a very loud sound coming from space but why cant we hear it on earth

If you have the ability to hear then you can hear every noise on earth. But do you know why you cannot hear the sound coming from space? In fact, for a long time scientists thought that space was absolutely silent. There is no noise there. but it’s not like that. There are many parts of space where the noise is so high that if you listen to them directly, you will almost become deaf. Let us know why we cannot hear the noise of space on Earth. what kind…

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