india is earning a wholesome amount by launching other countries satellites know the details

ISRO: There was a time when India was not considered a leading country in the matter of space science. But this picture changed after the establishment of the Indian Research Space Organization (ISRO) on 15 August 1969. In the year 1963, India launched its first rocket into space. And after that, ISRO quickly climbed many steps of success. Indian Research Space Organization i.e. ISRO is currently among the top five space agencies in the world. In the last few years, ISRO has expanded its reach from the Moon to Mars.…

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There is no gravity in space, then how do astronauts take bath in space? You will also find this method wonderful

Space is completely mysterious. People are curious to know many things about space. Many countries send their astronauts to space for different explorations. There they find an environment and conditions quite different from Earth. Not only this, they also have to face many difficulties while traveling in space. At some point or the other, this question might have come to your mind that how do astronauts take bath in space? Today we will give you the answer to this question.   Using water is difficult It is true that astronauts use…

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Space Noise There is a very loud sound coming from space but why cant we hear it on earth

If you have the ability to hear then you can hear every noise on earth. But do you know why you cannot hear the sound coming from space? In fact, for a long time scientists thought that space was absolutely silent. There is no noise there. but it’s not like that. There are many parts of space where the noise is so high that if you listen to them directly, you will almost become deaf. Let us know why we cannot hear the noise of space on Earth. what kind…

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These places on Earth can be seen even from space these places in India are also included

The research done so far has revealed that Earth is the only place in the entire universe where life exists. Many amazing things can be seen on earth which is special in many ways. However, very few people know that there are many things present on Earth which are visible even from space, millions of miles away. In which a place in India is also included. These places on Earth are visible from spaceThe Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt: Every year crores of people go to see The Gray…

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Hope of finding life outside Earth rekindled! NASA discovered ocean of boiling water

The search for life outside the Earth is ongoing. In such a situation, an external planet has been found for the first time. In which there is a possibility of a huge boiling ocean of water. This planet has been discovered by the American Space Agency’s James Babe Telescope. Scientists have named this planet TOI-270. From the data, scientists have found indications of presence of water in vapor form along with methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the outer planet.  Water temperature can be up to 100 degreesAccording…

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‘Aliens have been attacking India for 3000 years’, new revelation in research, technology is much ahead of us…

Just imagine for once, there is an alien city somewhere far away in space and from there they are looking at our Earth through an advanced telescope. What can you see? Would they be able to see life, intelligence or civilization on our Earth? Will they be trying to contact us or will they try to quietly absorb? ZN Usmanov of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) in his ‘Are we visible to advanced alien civilizations’ (Are we visible to advanced alien civilizations?) It is written in the research, in…

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Even after coming back from space, astronauts cannot eat their favorite food, what is the reason?

Many questions arise in everyone’s mind regarding space. Like how astronauts land in space, what they eat there and what they do after coming back from there. However, this question would hardly have arisen in anyone’s mind as to what kind of life astronauts live after returning to Earth. If you too have not thought about this, then let us know today what astronauts eat after coming back to Earth. Astronauts cannot eat the food of their choice after coming back from space!You will be surprised to know that after…

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This is the biggest black hole ever, so big that it can contain 28 billion suns simultaneously.

Many questions always arise in people’s minds regarding black holes in space. Like can it reach the earth? Is it so big that even the sun can come out? Let us tell you that scientists have discovered the heaviest black joint ever. Astronomers have measured the mass of a pair of two supermassive black holes with the help of the Gemini North telescope. According to scientists, this is the heaviest black hole among the pairs of supermassive black holes. There is such a place found in India, where the force…

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cabin of Gaganyaan in which 4 Indian astronauts will go to space ISRO

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is continuously waving the flag of success. ISRO is preparing for its new Gaganyaan mission. At the same time, PM Narendra Modi has given astronaut wings to all four astronauts of Gaganyaan mission. Let us tell you that all these astronauts are test pilots of the Indian Air Force. But do you know how all these passengers will go into the cabin of Gaganyaan. Today we will tell you what is special in Gaganyaan. What is Gaganyaan Mission? The goal of the Gaganyaan mission is…

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spacecraft comes to Earth from space what will be seen outside here is the video space to earth

Many types of questions arise in the minds of most people regarding space. Because space is completely mysterious. A lot of research has been done in space and a lot of research still remains to be done. Different countries are doing their own research regarding space. On the other hand, space agency NASA also shares many amazing pictures on social media. But today we are going to show you a video in which it is seen how an aircraft is entering the earth from space. watch this video what is…

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