Morena Gajak craze increased in Dholpur beneficial for health along with taste sesame kutema gajak recipe

Morena Gajak craze increased in Dholpur beneficial for health along with taste sesame kutema gajak recipe

Dholpur. It is impossible not to remember Gajak in winter. As soon as winter sets in, Tilli’s Kutema Gajak comes to mind. Actually, as soon as the name of Gajak comes, the taste of Morena’s Gajak comes to mind. But, in Dholpur also the famous Kutema Tilli Gajak is being made for years, which customers take to other districts also. Aziz, who is making Gajak, said that this is his ancestral work. People from many places including Delhi, Agra, Gwalior buy and send goods from here to their relatives. But,…

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