Telegram CEO Pavel Durov: Telegram founder Pavel Durov has made a shocking revelation. According to Pavel Durov, he is the biological father of not one or two but 100 children. Pavel gave information about this on his Telegram post. He said that I have more than a hundred children in 12 countries through sperm donation. Not only this, Pavel Durov made a long post about this. ‘This story started 15 years ago’ Pavel Durov says on Telegram that I have come to know that I have more than 100 biological…
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‘Only to have sex…’ Father of 180 children feels scared, what did he say on romance?
Sperm Donor News: A man from Newcastle, Britain has helped 180 children in birth by donating sperm. On the condition of anonymity, the 52-year-old man has revealed the struggle of his life. He said that helping women get pregnant has cost him a lot. Be it about his ‘love life’ or married life. The man has been donating sperm for 13 years using various methods including natural and artificial sperm donation. The man told that because of sperm donation, he could not do any permanent job, there was no love…
Read MoreAmazing! This man’s children are scattered in every corner of the world, at the age of 31 he gave birth to 57 children.
Sperm Donor Has 57 Children at 31: If a person has 8-10 children, we are stunned to hear. In such a situation, if someone says that he has 57 children, it is bound to make his eyes wide with surprise. Everyone got a similar shock when a 31-year-old man told that he is the father of not 2-4 but a total of 57 children and his children are not in any one country but are scattered in different countries of the whole world. Well this story is quite interesting. The…
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