Have you found a permanent solution to get rid of back pain? Know special things related to opioids

Have you found a permanent solution to get rid of back pain?  Know special things related to opioids

Most people with spinal cord injury (SCI) have pain that lasts for a long time or for the rest of their lives. Opioids are used to prevent such pain. However, this article will discuss both the side effects and benefits of opioids in detail. Because these days opioid crisis has developed all over the world. Why should opioids no longer be prescribed to treat chronic pain after SCI?  Chronic pain is common in spinal cord injury (SCI), with about four out of five people complaining of persistent pain, about half…

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Spinal Cord Society Prepare Data From Broken Spine Falling From Roof Or Coconut Tree

Spinal Cord Society Prepare Data From Broken Spine Falling From Roof Or Coconut Tree

symbolic picture – photo: istock listen to the news listen to the news There will be no need to wander for treatment in case of spinal fracture in the country. The Spinal Cord Society is preparing the data of such cases. With its help, it will be possible to give accurate treatment to the patient according to the nature of the injury. If someone falls from the roof, he will get one treatment and if cancer breaks his bone, he will get another.This has been agreed upon by experts at…

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