How to worship Goddess Lakshmi? Know the method of worshipping Goddess Lakshmi

How to worship Goddess Lakshmi? Know the method of worshipping Goddess Lakshmi

Lakshmi Puja: Every person wants to live a happy and prosperous life. Therefore, everyone wishes that he gets the full fruits of his hard work and there is no dearth of wealth, property and comforts in life. For this, every person also makes various efforts. Maa Lakshmi is called the goddess of wealth in Hinduism. It is believed that where Maa Lakshmi resides and the house where she is worshipped, there is never a dearth of wealth and food grains. It is said in the Puranas that poverty never comes…

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Hindu Tradition What does the bindi on the forehead of women signify know religious beliefs

Hindu Tradition What does the bindi on the forehead of women signify know religious beliefs

Hindu Tradition: There are many types of traditions and beliefs prevalent in Hinduism. From greeting by touching feet or folding hands to covering the head during worship and applying Tilak on the forehead. In Hindu culture, applying Tilak is mandatory from a religious point of view. Although Tilak is applied by both men and women. But there is a special religious belief behind women applying a bindi on their forehead. The bindi on a woman’s forehead is a symbol of her marital bliss Women wearing a bindi on their forehead…

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Shani Dev Saturn is more dangerous then Rahu and Ketu gives harsh punishment

Shani Dev Saturn is more dangerous then Rahu and Ketu gives harsh punishment

Shani Dev: In astrology, Rahu and Ketu are called shadow or sinful planets. The person on whom the shadow of Rahu-Ketu falls, his intellect gets corrupted. That is why people get scared as soon as they hear the names of planets like Rahu-Ketu. But Saturn is more dangerous than Rahu-Ketu. In astrology, Saturn is considered more dangerous than Rahu-Ketu. Because they do not show any mercy in punishing mistakes. That is why Shani Dev is called the punishing god or magistrate. Shani Dev definitely punishes every person for his deeds.…

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It is absolutely true that mother’s unhappiness affects the child, now it has been proved in the study also.

It is absolutely true that mother’s unhappiness affects the child, now it has been proved in the study also.

Being pregnant is a matter of great happiness for a woman.  During this period, every mother tries to inculcate good values ​​in her children. Because it is said that whatever a woman says, listens or does definitely affects the child in the womb. Similarly, if the mother is happy then the child will also be happy, but if the mother is under depression or stress, then it has a bad effect on the unborn children, especially girls. Danger of insomnia Pregnancy is a deep bond between mother and child. At…

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Swami Vivekananda Jayanti 2024 On January 12 Why Vivekananda Was Interested In Spirituality And Religion

Swami Vivekananda Jayanti 2024 On January 12 Why Vivekananda Was Interested In Spirituality And Religion

Swami Vivekananda Jayanti 2024: Swami Vivekananda was born on 12 January 1863 in Kolkata. Every year his birthday is celebrated as National Youth Day. Because the ideals, thoughts and works of Swami Vivekananda are a source of inspiration for the youth. Swami Vivekananda’s humanitarian thoughts and actions are timeless, he himself is like a lighthouse. He was the solution of Indian culture and contemporary problems, the coordinator of spirituality and science and a great man of the era who gave spiritual thinking as well as knowledge of Vedas and scriptures…

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Steve Jobs American Entrepreneur And Apple IPhone Founder Success Tips Motivation Quotes In Hindi

Steve Jobs American Entrepreneur And Apple IPhone Founder Success Tips Motivation Quotes In Hindi

Steve Jobs Success Mantra in Hindi: The most important reason behind the success of every person is his thinking. A person becomes successful only because of his different and strong thinking. Steve Jobs also got success because of different thinking. That’s why a book has been written on his thinking, whose name is ‘How To Think Like Steve Jobs’. Even today in the business world, the name of American entrepreneur and founder of Apple company Steve Jobs (Apple Co founder Steve Jobs) is taken with respect. Steve Jobs believed that…

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Kailash Parvat Know About Lord Shiva Residence Mount Kailash Mystery

Kailash Parvat Know About Lord Shiva Residence Mount Kailash Mystery

Kailash Parvat Mystery in Hindi: Mount Kailash or Kailas located in Tibet is mentioned in many texts of Hinduism. Shivpuran, Skanda Puran, Matsya Puran etc. also have separate chapters named Kailas Khand. In this, the glory and miracles of Mount Kailash have been told. Mount Kailash has been considered the abode of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva resides here with his family and other deities. This mountain is circumambulated during the pilgrimage to Kailas Mansarovar. Mount Kailash itself holds many secrets. According to mythology, near this mountain is the city of…

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People wait to die in this city of India… they do not get a place to stay here soon

People wait to die in this city of India… they do not get a place to stay here soon

Death is the biggest truth of life for any living being. People mourn death all over the world… But Varanasi is one such place where death is a celebration. It is celebrated with great pomp. On one hand, where the whole world is afraid of dying and tries to avoid death by any means, on the other hand, there is a place in this Varanasi where people come from all over the country and abroad to wait for death. Which is that place The place where people come and wait…

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Shukra Gochar 2023 Venus Transit In These Zodiac Signs Will Give Benefits To Gemini Virgo Pisces

Shukra Gochar 2023 Venus Transit In These Zodiac Signs Will Give Benefits To Gemini Virgo Pisces

Shukra Gochar 2023, Venus Transit 2023 : The planet Venus is seen by associating it with love, fame and glory. If the planet Venus is exalted in your zodiac, then you lead a happy life, that means you will get happiness from Venus. Your love marriage will happen and your life will go well with your partner. Every planet changes its place after some time. Goes from one zodiac to another zodiac. Venus has entered Pisces on February 15, 2023. Jupiter is already present in Pisces, now let us know…

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Buddha Amritwani Gautam Buddha Five Thoughts And Precepts Of Success Astro Special

Buddha Amritwani Gautam Buddha Five Thoughts And Precepts Of Success Astro Special

Buddha Amritwani, Gautam Buddha, Gautam Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, renounced worldly pleasures and achieved divine knowledge in solitude. Gautam Buddha achieved divine knowledge by living in the forest and after austere penance living under the Bodhi tree in Gaya, Bihar, he attained enlightenment. The childhood name of Gautam Buddha was Siddhartha. After his severe penance, he became Siddhartha Gautama. The priceless thoughts of Gautam Buddha will change your life. The threads of life are hidden in these thoughts of Gautam Buddha. Go ahead boldly: Do not start any work…

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