Srikanth Box Office Collection Day 6: Rajkumar Rao’s latest release ‘Srikanth’ is in the news these days. This film has received good reviews from the audience and critics. With this, this film is making good collections. Although there is a decline in the film’s earnings on weekdays, despite this Rajkummar Rao’s film is collecting crores. On the 5th day, ‘Srikanth’ had touched the figure of Rs 15 crore. Let us know here how much this film has earned on the sixth day of its release i.e. first Wednesday? How much…
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Srikanth Box Office Collection Day 6 Rajkummar rao starrer downfall begins know sixth day collection
Srikanth Box Office Collection Day 6: Rajkumar Rao has been seen on screen after a long time through ‘Srikanth’. His film was released in theaters on May 10, 2024. The film had a slow start at the box office but the film got a good response over the weekend. It has been 6 days since ‘Srikanth’ was released and now the pace of the film seems to be slowing down at the box office. If we look at the report of Saknilk, ‘Srikanth’ had taken an opening of Rs. 2.25…
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