health tips lung cancer increasing rapidly in women and youth know reasons

health tips lung cancer increasing rapidly in women and youth know reasons

Lung Cancer : Nowadays the risk of lung cancer is increasing rapidly. The main reason for this is smoking, tobacco and gutkha. Most men consume tobacco and gutkha, so they have a higher risk of lung cancer but recently a shocking report has come out. A new research published in the International Journal of Cancer states that women between 30 and 50 years of age are at a higher risk of lung cancer than men. This research states that lung cancer has increased rapidly in women. Young people are also…

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Lung Cancer Mild Cough Can Also Be A Symptom Of Cancer

Lung Cancer Mild Cough Can Also Be A Symptom Of Cancer

Lung Cancer Symptoms: The disease can occur in any part of the body. Doctors say that before any disease occurs, symptoms emerge in the body. There is a need to recognize those symptoms in time. Sometimes the disease gives severe symptoms, sometimes it is normal and sometimes the symptoms are not identified at all. Cancer is such a disease. The main reason for the non-treatment of cancer is that its symptoms do not emerge quickly and when the symptoms start appearing. By then it is too late. just coughed, cancer…

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