Struggling to drink enough water you can increase your water intake effortlessly

Struggling to drink enough water you can increase your water intake effortlessly

Water is very important for a better health. We are saying this because our body is made up of 70 percent water. Still many people do not drink as much water as they should drink. Many times it happens that you are very active physically but do not drink water. Many times you forget to drink water. Due to not drinking the right amount of water, fatigue, headache and even serious health problems are faced. Today we will tell you such a way through which you can drink water daily.โ€ฆ

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6 steps to take care of your kidneys during winter read full article in hindi

6 steps to take care of your kidneys during winter read full article in hindi

Your kidneys are more likely to be affected when the temperature drops during winter. This happens because you become dehydrated or suffer from other kidney related diseases. In cold weather it also becomes challenging for your body to maintain its fluid balance as it leaks into other cells where it could escape. Therefore it progresses and affects the functioning of the kidneys. hydrate yourself Drinking plenty of water is one of the most important precautions for healthy kidneys. You may not feel as thirsty in winter. So it is easyโ€ฆ

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