The woman used to eat vegetarian food, was also passionate about cleanliness, she got such an infection in the stomach that she died mysteriously!

The woman used to eat vegetarian food, was also passionate about cleanliness, she got such an infection in the stomach that she died mysteriously!

It is true that in many ways medicine remains a mystery for doctors and scientists. On one hand there are countless diseases whose cure is being sought for decades, while on the other hand new types of diseases keep emerging, which keep troubling researchers like a new puzzle. In such a situation, if the cause of a disease is not known whose diagnosis and treatment is already known, then it is surprising. Something similar happened with a woman from Britain who died due to such a terrible E. coli infection,…

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stomach infection occur during monsoon know how to cure it

stomach infection occur during monsoon know how to cure it

With the arrival of monsoon, we definitely get relief from the heat but at the same time we have to face many diseases. Along with fever, there is also the fear of many flu and stomach infections. Although stomach infection is a common thing, it should not be ignored at all because it is caused by dirty water and dirty food. This problem can happen to people of any age. Especially children should be very careful in this season. Symptoms of stomach infection: Symptoms of stomach infection are visible immediately.…

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Floating Potty In Toilet Commode Can Be Warning Symptoms Of These 4 Dangerous Diseases

Floating Potty In Toilet Commode Can Be Warning Symptoms Of These 4 Dangerous Diseases

Do you know that even your potty can reveal many health related things? Yes you are listening right. A healthy potty goes away after flushing once or twice, while an unhealthy potty feels the need to flush several times. Although it still seems to be floating in the commode. It happens to many people that they flush again and again. Still the floater persists. The floatiness of the potty is related to what it is made of. According to MIT Medical, the potty filled with gas and fiber is light,…

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