People will stop marrying after so many years, big revelation in the report

People will stop marrying after so many years, big revelation in the report

In Indian culture, marriage is said to be an unbreakable bond between husband and wife. But now gradually with the changing social conditions many times changes are seen in it. Apart from this, the concept of marriage is also changing in many places. But today we are going to tell you about a report in which it has been claimed that the concept of marriage will end in the coming 2100 years. Yes, today we will tell you about this report.  Marriage  In Indian society, marriage is an unbreakable bond…

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What is Assam’s fascination with folk culture, why did the matter reach the court to stop it?

What is Assam’s fascination with folk culture, why did the matter reach the court to stop it?

  Moh-Juj festival is organized every year in Assam. However, a few years ago the court had banned this festival. But this festival has started again from this year. But the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has approached the Guwahati High Court of Assam and filed a petition to ban it. Today we will tell you what is this Moh-Juj festival happening in Assam and how the matter reached the court regarding it.  PETA says that there is cruelty to animals in buffalo fighting and This is…

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