That island… where cars do not run, people travel on horse carts and bicycles, know why it is unique!

That island… where cars do not run, people travel on horse carts and bicycles, know why it is unique!

Mackinac Island, US: There is Mackinac Island in Michigan, America, where motor vehicles have been banned for almost 125 years. You will not find cars even if you search the entire island. People here travel by horse carts and bicycles. This is their main means of transportation. The island has got a big benefit from the ban on motor vehicles in that the air quality there is quite good. Now a video related to this island is going viral. Let us know what else is unique about this island. This…

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This island changes its country every 6 months, this is happening since 364 years

This island changes its country every 6 months, this is happening since 364 years

Whereas on one hand countries all over the world are fighting over their borders. Whether it is Russia, Ukraine or India-China, the border dispute is at its peak everywhere. Even now border disputes are being seen between Pakistan and Afghanistan. India even fought a war with China once and twice with Pakistan due to this dispute. The war between Ukraine and Russia is still going on. But on the other hand, there is an island in this world which changes its country every 6 months. This is not a story…

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