strange news

Look at the picture carefully, find the different symbol in 7 seconds, could you complete the challenge?

Optical illusion is such a trick of the eyes, which confuses you in such a…

The girl got the DNA test done for fun, such a secret of her grandmother came out, she is thinking – ‘How should I tell my father?’

There was a time when people's life was very simple. Since science had not progressed…

Here people are treated by giving ‘poison’, they provide relief from cancer and infertility, sometimes people are even killed!

More and more dangerous diseases have been knocking around the world. Scientists have found the…

Orphaned at the age of 13, pregnant at 16, missed her education, yet the woman has set up 3 businesses, earning in lakhs!

It is said that education is important for a person's life, but to be successful,…

The woman had gone to drink ‘orange juice’, but ‘luck’ was waiting, made her a millionaire within minutes!

Everyone wants to do something in their life that will bring in a lot of…

Desi boy went from India to Dubai, girls surrounded him as soon as he saw him, people said such things, comment section had to be closed!

After seeing foreigners, most people look for an excuse to talk to them. Request to…

Snakes tremble with these things, they cannot tolerate it even for a second, they run away with their tail pressed

God has created and sent many creatures into the world. If we pay attention, everyone…

‘Got goosebumps’ Sri Lankan Airlines made such a wonderful advertisement, people were amazed, it has a relation with Lord Ram!

Lord Shri Ram and his glorious story Ramayana is considered not only in India but…