Street Food: Life partner made business partner, ‘Stress Momos’ startup started!

Street Food: Life partner made business partner, ‘Stress Momos’ startup started!

Harikant Sharma / Agra. The friendship that started with a fight turned into love, made love a life partner and now life partner is a business partner. You must be finding this thing filmy, but it is the reality. This beautiful love story is about a beautiful couple from Agra, Uttar Pradesh, who recently started a startup called ‘Stress Momos’ on the roadside opposite MD Jain Inter College. The name ‘Stress Momos’ is very unique. He has given different names to the momos available at his place, for example- Cool…

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Agra: People are crazy about this Chatori Chaat Gali, once you eat it, you will come again and again

Agra: People are crazy about this Chatori Chaat Gali, once you eat it, you will come again and again

Report: Harikant SharmaAgra. There can be no better place than Agra for people who are very fond of food. Whoever comes here to eat these snacks, just becomes crazy about them. You will find a lot to eat here at street corners and intersections. Any tourist who comes to visit Agra city from outside, does not forget to visit Agra’s Chaat Gali. This Chatori Chaat Gali is very famous among the people. Especially among tourists coming from outside. What is it after all? The people who have made people crazy…

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