Heart attack cause According to WHO, most of the deaths in the world are due to heart disease. Every year about 1.80 crore people are losing their lives due to heart attack or stroke. There are many reasons behind this. In which high BP (Blood Pressure), high cholesterol and stress are the main reasons. In such a situation, do you know which of these factors increases the risk of heart attack the most? If not then let us knowβ¦ Also read: How fast do cancer cells grow? This is theβ¦
Read MoreTag: Stress Side Effects
If you want to avoid obesity, control stress, being under stress all day can increase weight.
Stress Side Effects: Overweight or obesity not only makes the look ugly, but also spoils fitness and also causes many diseases. If obesity is not controlled at the right time, the risk of many chronic diseases including blood pressure, diabetes can increase. Many types of disturbances in lifestyle and diet lead to weight gain and obesity. However, one reason for this is stress. Health experts say that worrying too much can lead to weight gain, hence stress should be avoided. Obesity increases due to stress Studies have found that excessiveβ¦
Read MoreThis disease does not allow weight loss, know why this happens, how to avoid it
Weight Loss: If you want to lose weight then avoid taking stress. Yes, stress is said to be the enemy of weight loss. Experts say that when endocrine glands continuously produce stress hormones, heart pressure increases. Due to this, heartbeats become faster, blood circulation in muscles increases, problems like fear, anxiety and depression can occur. Stress hormones can completely spoil the natural processes of the body. Let us know what is the connection between stress and weight lossβ¦ Stress does not allow weight loss Chronic stress can cause diabetes andβ¦
Read MoreStress and obesity go together, know how it stores fat in the body
Stress and Obesity: Do you know that the more stress you take, the more obesity also increases. Actually, stroke and obesity are lifestyle disorders and connected to each other. Nowadays, as stress is increasing rapidly in the busy lifestyle, obesity is also increasing at the same rate. This has also been proved in many researches. In such a situation, let us know what is the connection between stress and obesity and what harm it can causeβ¦ Stress increases the risk of obesity, how A study published in the National Libraryβ¦
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