After delivery, not a single stretch mark will be visible, just follow these tips

After delivery, not a single stretch mark will be visible, just follow these tips

Stretch Marks After Pregnancy: Many types of changes occur in the body of women during pregnancy. Some of these changes are such that their marks do not go away for years. One of these is stretch marks. The lines-like marks that form on the lower abdomen, breasts, hips and thighs during pregnancy are due to the growth of the stomach during the growth of the baby. Due to this, the upper and lower layers of the skin get stretched. This causes collagen to tear and stretch marks are formed. These…

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homemade cream for stretch marks use it like this skin care tips

homemade cream for stretch marks use it like this skin care tips

Most people are troubled by stretch marks. Many times these stretch marks become a cause of embarrassment. To avoid this, many people take the help of medical treatment. But consuming excessive medicine pills can harm health. In such a situation, you can get rid of stretch marks by using this home remedy. Home remedies for stretch marks The problem of stretch marks is especially common in women. These are red or white marks on the skin, which are formed due to the stretching of the skin. To avoid this, you…

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If you want to avoid stretch marks then do these things during pregnancy you will never have any marks

If you want to avoid stretch marks then do these things during pregnancy you will never have any marks

The time of pregnancy is full of happiness, but during this time women also have to face many problems. One of these problems is stretch marks. A lot of changes take place in the body during the 9 months of pregnancy and the skin also suffers the effects of these changes. In such a situation, many women face the problem of stretch marks in places like stomach, waist and hips. Which looks very bad in hindsight. But these can be avoided by keeping some things in mind. To avoid stretch…

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